Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What Are The Benefits to Dating a Cougar?

How many women cringe when they hear the word Cougar? Is it always a bad thing?
How many women over the age of thirty-five “cringe” when they hear the word Cougar? For some reason women have acquired this title over the last 15 years without the male population receiving a similar trademark appellation. Why is that?
Men who have “serial sex partners” have always been viewed as studs or held in high esteem by their male peers. Women call them players. (Doesn’t that sound all warm & fuzzy?) What has transpired that women now have their own “handle” and is it actually a good thing?
Cougar Dating
According to the online Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word Cougar actually shows a slang definition: *slang: a middle-aged woman seeking a romantic relationship with a younger man.
After discussing this topic with numerous women, the word romantic never really came up ~ it was more about sexual fulfillment without having a serious commitment. Sound familiar? Men have been doing this for decades and now women have caught on to the benefits of having a sex buddy. The only reason it has taken so long to be reciprocated with both genders is due to the fact that many females need an emotional connection in the bedroom.
Times have changed & women are learning how to have a sexual connection with themselves. It is not about being selfish but understanding how to feel sexy without always having to be “in love.” This will aid in making her a good lover because she knows what she wants & can convey that to a man she is intimate with.
One of the biggest complaints from men is that women do not show or tell them what they want in the bedroom due to being too reserved or too shy sexually.
Contrary to what many women think, a man does not need them to learn how to pole dance or constantly play dress up in a cat woman or playboy bunny suit. They really just want a woman who is comfortable in her own sexuality. This is one of the main reasons Cougars are so popular with younger men. They are relaxed, playful & tell them what she wants. There are no games!
What are the Five Main Benefits to Dating a Cougar?
• Understands their is a sexual commitment
• She is low maintenance, doesn’t need fancy dinners or a man’s wallet
• She isn’t looking for a marriage proposal or to get pregnant. (although condoms should always be a priority regardless)
• She has life experience & can be a great teacher
• She knows what she wants in & out of the bedroom!
While many women get defensive upon hearing the Cougar word, there is a certain respect for women who handle it properly. Attractive older women should still behave with class & be selective with whom they choose to bring into their lair. Many women only have one partner in these instances but he will be available & willing when they mutually agree on a meet up. He is usually eager to comply, what guy wouldn’t want this type of “no strings attached” arrangement? It is a win/win situation for both the man & woman involved as long as both people know the initial rules.
How many women cringe when they hear the word Cougar? Is it always a bad thing?
Occasionally someone may end up falling in love without the intent of doing so initially. This is the biggest drawback to this type of arrangement. Women still have the emotional clock ticking away & it is difficult to ignore when they have a wonderful sexual connection. (You may have to take baby steps to be able to deal with this or it may be something you can never be comfortable with. It is nice to have the option though & you shouldn’t feel guilty if you decide to partake ~ we all have needs.)
Having a younger lover can be a great stepping stone to moving on from a devastating breakup or divorce. You don’t have to feel a huge connection with them & it can be the best thing to putting that spring back in your step! It is not a bad thing to learn to adapt to & something that men have done for years. It will make you a better lover for the committed man that does come into your life in the future. So the next time someone calls you a cougar when you walk by, take it as a compliment that you still have a sexual alluring quality that gets noticed. You don’t have to act upon it, but know that you could when you decide the time is right.



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