Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3 Tips For Online Dating

Once upon a time in a time where bigger was better and the hairdos were the most enormous of all things, online dating didn’t exist. Even ten years ago, online dating was this new and exciting new land to be discovered, full of dangers and adventure. The idea that online dating would soon become a part of the foundation of relationships in modern times was beyond comprehension at those times. Today online dating is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to meet people for the purpose of starting up a relationship. Yet, there is still a disconnect when it comes to how people would approach someone for a date offline and how they approach people for dates online. Those men and women who are socially awkward are making the same mistakes online as they would in any offline place because they are forgetting that online dating is two words and the second word is dating.
Now with age gap relationships these rules still hold just as true as they would with any other kind of relationship. The problem is that people think of online dating as if it is a new type of dating when it’s the same type of dating. Dating itself and its rules are changing, but slowly. Online dating is basically a new way to meet people so you can date them. You no longer have to go out looking for the bars or go speed dating or go to singles mixers. Now there’s a way to meet people online without ever having to go out of your way to find these like-minded people.
So the location changes and the method has changed, but online dating remains dating whether you are meeting through a computer or your phone or in person.
So here are some tips for getting around in the online dating world.

3. What should your first message be?

Your profile and your picture are key parts of your first impression on a person. They are the equivalent of seeing someone across the bar and deciding whether or not you want to beckon them over. Your first message is the first time you open your mouth in that same scenario. So immediately giving out your contact information is going to make you look desperate at the very best. You don’t want to just go with a greeting either since you want to find a way to engage the woman you’re trying to talk to. On the other end of the spectrum you can be too wordy and no woman wants to read your life story in the first message. Clever lines can become boring and trite too, if you’ve thought about them than most other people have too. Don’t get us wrong, we love a little humour, but humour can be shown through what you write and the way you write rather than one liners that belong back in the 90s.

2. What shouldn’t you do on your profile?

Do not lie. You don’t have to tell the whole truth or to bare your soul, but if you don’t make a million dollars then don’t say that you do. If you don’t have a job then say that rather than pretending that you have one. Use a picture of yourself and not a model no matter what your reasoning is. Wanting discretion is not a reason to put a picture of a model up there. You don’t want to put a macro or a meme up there either. The whole point of the picture is to show off your best angle and let people put a face to who’s writing them. Chuck Norris jokes just aren’t going to cut it.

1. What should you put on your profile?

You’re going to want to be eye-catching, but you don’t want to be too personal either. Like we mentioned above you’re not going to want to expose your soul right away. Instead talk about things that you feel passionate about. Maybe you love hockey or are an avid collector of books. That passion that you feel for whatever it is that is your hobby will seep into what you write and no matter what you end up writing there, passion is interesting. Passion makes you worth a second glance. Do not and we mean DO NOT leave your profile blank though. The only thing that is more annoying than a cub with a blank profile are those ones who say that they’re willing to lie about where the two of you met as if Cougar dating is something to be ashamed of or the ones who say that if you ask, they will tell..
It’s just adding an extra step and overcomplicating something which should be so simple. Why would anyone even bother to ask unless you’re a supermodel who looks like Brad Pitt? Give them some sense of who you are so you can catch their interest.

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